Saturday, October 30, 2010


RobSten preparing for their Halloween Party:

Kristen:  “Hey, baby, what do you think of my costume?” *Lifts the garment up for Rob to see*

Rob:  *Nods* “You’re going to be the belle of the ball, babe!”  *Smiles proudly at his girl* “Are you in John Steinbeck’s book, East of Eden?”

Kristen:  “Yes, sweetie!  I’m also going to put some make up on, curl my hair; put half up and secure it with a bow…”

Rob:  *Realizes something*  “I don’t like it!”

Kristen: *Furrows brows*  “What?  You said I’m going to be the belle of the ball?”

Rob:  *Pouts*  “Exactly!  And I don’t like the idea of every fucking guy… or Krisbian…. Looking at you!!!

Kristen:  *Kisses Rob*  “Sweetie, I had this gown made just for the party!”

Rob:  *Sighs*  “I know, Babe.  But still… I don’t want you to wear that!”

Kristen:  *Gives in*  “Fine!”

Rob:  *Smiles*  “But you can go as…” *Ponders* … “Well, how about a sari! You know… Like what Indian women wear!  It’s festive!

Kristen: *Turns the computer and starts typing*  “You’re a genius, babe!  I like it!  Like this one!”

Rob:  *Eyes bulge out*  “FUKIN’ HELL NO!... NO WAY!!!”

Kristen:  *Giggles*  “Wait a minute… How about you?  What are you going to wear?”

Rob:  *Flinches*  “Well… I was going to match your East of Eden gown… You know… Cal Trask… James Dean-ish…”

Kristen:  *Beams*  “We’ll be perfect, Babe! You’re going to look awesome!  You’re the most handsome guy in the whole world!”  *Hugs Rob*  “Let’s just do it!”

Rob:  “NO!” *Serious face*  “Well, we can be… um… A muslim couple!!!  You can wear the burka or abaya and I’ll wear…”

Kristen:  “You’re not serious, are you?  Are you trying to, like, hide me in a costume?”

Rob:  *Looks away feeling guilty*  “I can’t help it, okay?”  *Idea pops up*  I know…. You can be a nun and I’ll be a priest!”

Kristen:  *Claps hands*  “Genus!  I love it!”  *Taps the keyboard*  “Like this?”

Rob:  *Glares*  “Babe, NO!  Move, let me show you…”  *Clicks on the keys*

Kristen:  “Well?”

Rob:  “Aha!  Like this!  This is what I’m talking about!”

Kristen:  *Rolls eyes*  “At least I’m not a pregnant nun!”

Rob:  *High-fives Kristen*  “That’s a better idea, Babe!  Like you’re carrying our HOLY CHILD!”  *Types*  “Like this!”

Kristen:  *Laughs*  “You’re a riot, babe!... But, NO!!!  We’re going to offend hella lot of Catholics!”

Rob;  *Takes a deep breath*  “You’re right.  So what are we going to wear, hon?  We’re the hosts of this Halloween party?”

Kristen:  “Well… We can go as….”

Rob:  “Adam and Even?” *Smirks”

Kristen:  “With or without the leaves to cover my hoo-ha & twins; and your big boy here?” *Grabs, um, ‘Little Rob'*  (wink)

Rob:  *Flinches as he imagines the Adam and Even costume*  “Fuuuuuuk… that’s hot!!! COME HERE, WOMAN!!!”

Um, half an hour later….

Rob:  *Breathing evens out, finally!*  “Ahh, hell, no! After that, babe, we’re not going as Adam and Eve!  I’ll have a boner the whole time!!!” 

Kristen:  *Smiles*  “I like that… Always ready!”

Rob:  “Kristen!!!”

Well… Another half an hour later….

Kristen:  “So, what have we decided, babe?  We scratched off the Priest and Nun costume or any religious costume for that matter… We crossed out Adam and Eve…”

Rob:  *Gets up excitedly*  “I know!!!  I have the brightest idea ever!”

Kristen:  *Laughs*  “Well tell me!”

Rob:  “Well, baby… Get ready for this….”  *Rubs hands*  “WE ARE GOING AS…. ROBERT PATTINSON AND KRISTEN STEWART!”

Kristen:  *Leaps up and throws self at Rob*  “PERFECT!”

FLY on the wall:  “Well, no wonder why they’re together!  They’re perfect for each other.  She is the female Rob and he is the male Kristen!  Who would have thought?    At least they're not going as Edward and Bella!  That's so cliche'..." A RobSten costume! Jeez! Complete with guitar, Raybans, plaid shirt... matching shoes... shoelace bracelets..."


  1. sollee said...
    Yay! I would definitely love to see them in their famous "Robsten" costume!!!

    October 30, 2010 1:12 AM

  2. Sorry, Sollee... I accidentally deleted this post when I was just tryin to edit it... So I had to repost this. Thankfully, I had your comment copied as well (I usually do copy everything before I edit just in case... with this one, I'm so glad I did!). Thank you so much for always taking the time to to visit this blog.
